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博士、硕士生导师 - 帅春燕

2024-03-23  点击:[]



帅春燕 教授







1. 2024.01-2027.12,复杂交通网络环境下公共交通出行起讫点特征机理解析与短时预测,国家自然科学基金地区基金(62362044),主持

2. 2016.1-2019.12 安全领域本体构建的动态描述逻辑研究及多步攻击挖掘,国家自然科学基金(61562056),主持

3. 2024.03-2025.09, 基于数据中台的区域隧道监控管理平台研究与开发项目能源数据中台融合分析,云南省交通科学研究院,主持

4. 2023.11-2024.12面向典型能源企业的综合能源系统知识图谱构建,国网宁夏电力有限公司电力科学研究院,主持

5. 2023.07-2025.07,基于知识图谱技术的供电所数字化中台技术研究及配网智能中台应用软件试制,云南曲靖供电局,主持

6. 2022.05-2026.05 云南电科院2022年输变电设备知识图谱构建关键技术研究与应用, 云南电科院,横向科技服务,第二

7. 2021.09-2022.06 新能源汽车充电桩安全运营现状分析与优化,中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司,横向科技服务,主持

8. 2020-12-17~2021-12-3 基于昆明移动手机信令大数据公共服务研究,上海通准科技,主持

9. 2017.06-2021.06 基于工业大数据的铝/铜板带材智能化工艺控制技术,科技部国家重点研发(2017YFB0306400),参与。

10. 2017.52018.12贵阳市城市轨道交通S1线一期工程阶段客流模型,中铁二院,主持。


[1]. Chunyan ShuaiXiaoqi ZhangXin Ouyang*Kai LiuYang Yang, Research on charging demands of commercial electric vehicles based on Voronoi diagram and spatial econometrics model: An empirical study in Chongqing China, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 105, 2024,105335, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2024.105335. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF:11.7)

[2]. Zeweiyi Gong, Zhanguo Cao, Shuai Zhou, Fang Yang, Chunyan Shuai*, Xin Ouyang , Zhao Luo, Thermal Fault Detection of High Voltage Isolating Switches based on Hybrid Data and BERT, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08272-z (SCI, JCR Q2, IF 2.7)

[3]. Shuai C, Ruan L, Ouyang X, et al. A two-step passenger flow anomaly detection scheme based on machine learning methods[J]. Discover Applied Sciences, 2024, 6(2): 1-20.EI期刊)

[4]. 龚泽威一,曹占国,周帅,杨芳,帅春燕*(通讯),欧阳鑫等,基于过采样和随机森林的高压隔离开关发热故障诊断,电网与清洁能源, 2023.39(10)(中文核心)

[5]. Chunyan Shuai, Xiaoqi Zhang, Yuxiang Wang, Mingwei He, Fang Yang, and Geng Xu, Online Car-Hailing Origin-Destination Forecast Based on Temporal Graph Convolutional NetworkIEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, On page(s):2-18, Print ISSN: 1939-1390,Online ISSN: 1941-1197, DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2023.3244935 SCI, JCR:Q15.293

[6]. Shuai C, Yang F, Wan W, Shanjun, Xin Ouyang* and Zheng Chen*. Promoting charging safety of electric bicycles via machine learning, iScience 2023, 26(1), p. 105786, MEDLINE:36594019,DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105786 (SCI, JCR:Q16.107, cell 子刊

[7]. Chunyan Shuai, Jun Shan, Jincheng Bai, Jaeyoung Lee, Min He, Xin Ouyang*, Relationship Analysis of Short-Term Origin–Destination Prediction Performance and Spatiotemporal Characteristics in Urban Rail Transit, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, OCT 2022, vol:164, page 206-223, DOI10.1016/j.tra.2022.08.006SCI/SSCI, JCR:Q1, 6.615

[8]. Chunyan Shuai, Yu Sun, Xiaoqi Zhang, Fang Yang, Xin Ouyang* and Zheng Chen, Intelligent Diagnosis of Abnormal Charging for Electric Bicycles Based on Improved Dynamic Time Warping, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023-7,70(7),pp.7280-7289, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2022.3206702. SCI, JCR:Q1, 8.3

[9]. Fang Yang, Chunyan Shuai*, Qian Qian, Wencong Wang, Mingwei He, Min He, Jaeyoung Lee,. Predictability of short-term passengers’ origin and destination demands in urban rail transit. Transportation, 2022. p.1-27, WOS:000834722500001 DOI: 10.1007/s11116-022-10313-9. SCI/SSCI, JCR:Q1,4.814

[10]. Chunyan Shuai, Zhengyang Pan, Lun Gao, HongWu Zuo*Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction of Expressway: A Hybrid Method Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis DecompositionAdvances in Civil Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/4313970. SCI, JCR:Q3, 1.843

[11]. Chunyan Shuai, Wencong Wang, Geng Xu*, Jincheng Bai, Jaeyoung Lee, Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction of Expressway Considering Spatial Influences, ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2021,147(8),04021043(1-11) SCI, JCR:Q2, 1.930

[12]. Chunyan Shuai, Wencong Wang, Fang Yang, Jun Shan, Min He, Xin OuYang*, Jaeyoung Lee, Abnormal Passenger Flows Detection of Urban Rail Transit, TRB 2021, Washington, USA. (顶会)

[13]. 帅春燕,许庚,何民,高伦,杨芳, 基于城市POI聚类的需求不确定情况下电动自行车换电柜选址 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学版)(2017), 2021,35(7)(B类期刊)

[14]. Chunyan Shuai, Xu Wang, Min He, Xin Ouyang*, Jun Yang. A presentation and retrieval hash scheme of images based on principal component analysis, The Visual Computer, 2021.10(20), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-020-01973-8 (SCI, JCR:Q2, 2.835)

[15]. Min He; Lun Gao; Chunyan Shuai*; Jaeyoung Lee; Jie Luo. Distribution analysis and forecast of Traffic Flow of an Expressway Electronic Toll Collection LaneASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2021,147(8),04021043(1-11) SCI, JCR:Q2, 1.930

[16]. 帅春燕,杨芳,徐庚,欧阳鑫*,基于数据驱动的电动自行车换电需求预测,交通运输系统工程与信息,2021,21(2), 173-179 (EI期刊)

[17]. Cu Fan, Min He, Chunyan Shuai*, Multi-Dimensional Frequent Pattern Mining of Trips in Beijing Urban Rail Transit, CICTP 2020: Advanced Transportation Technologies and Development-Enhancing Connections - Proceedings of the 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, p 3191-3202, 2020, CICTP 2020EI检索,会议)

[18]. Bai, Jincheng, Min He, and Chunyan Shuai*. "Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecast in Urban Rail Transit Based on Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbor Approach." CICTP 2019. 1695-1706.EI检索,会议)

[19].  Lei, Jiayou, Min He, and Chunyan Shuai*. "A Comparison Study of Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecast Model of Rail Transit." CICTP 2019. 1776-1787. EI检索,会议)

[20]. Lu, Dongliang, Min He, and Chunyan Shuai*. "Metro Stations Classification Based on Clustering Analysis—A Case Study of Beijing Metro." CICTP 2019. 1707-1717. EI检索,会议)

[21]. Luo, Jie, and Chunyan Shuai*. "Short-Term Vehicle Arrival Distribution Verification of Expressway Toll Stations Based on ETC Traffic Flow." CICTP 2019. 2019. 5080-5089. EI检索,会议)

[22]. Chunyan Shuai; Hengcheng Yang; Xin Ouyang*Analysis and Identification of Power Blackout-Sensitive Users by Using Big Data in the Energy SystemIEEE Access, 2019.2.17, 7(1): 19488~19501(SCIJCR:Q1,3.557)

[23]. Chunyan Shuai(#); Jiayou Lei; Xin Ouyang*suitability of a new Bloom filter for numerical vectors with high dimensions PLos ONE, 2018.12.1, 13(12): 10~23 ,(SCIJCR:Q1, 2.766)

[24]. Chunyan Shuai, Hengcheng YANG,Xin Ouyang and Zeweiyi GONG, A Bloom Filter for High Dimensional Vectors, Information 2018, 9(7), 159(EI)

[25]. Huimin QIAN, Min HE, Jiancheng WENG, Chunyan SHUAI. Influence Factors and Passenger Flow Distribution Characteristics of Lasting Large Scale Events-A Case Study of Beijing Garden Expo 2013[C].第十八届COTA国际交通科技(CICTP2018),2018EI)

[26]. Shuai Chunyan, YANG Hengcheng , GONG Zeweiyi. Research on Intrusion Detection Based on Kohonen Network and Support Vector Machine. 2018 6th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, Modeling and Simulation. Busan, South Korea ,2018/4/15-17(SCI)

[27]. Shuai Chunyan, Hengcheng Yang,Xin Ouyang*,Siqi Li and Zheng Chen , A novel accuracy and similarity search structure based on parallel bloom filters, computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016 11(1): 1-12.SCI1.649

[28]. Shuai ChunyanJiang JianhuiOuyang Xin*. P-CCBFF: a lightweight cooperative detection and traceback framework of DDoS/DoS attacks, Journal of Internet Technology, 2017, 18(5): 1150-1158.SCIJCR, Q3,IF 1.301

[29]. Chunyan Shuai, Siqi Li and Hongrui Li ,Comparison of Compression Algorithms on Vehicle Communications System, 2015 IEEE Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference(IAEAC2015), December 19-20, 2015 in Chongqing China,(EI/SCI)

[30]. Shuai ChunyanJiang JianhuiOuyang XinChen LinboYangYang. An alert hierarchical association algorithm to construct attack scenarios. Information. An International Inter disciplinary Journal20127(15): 113-121 (SCI)

[31]. Chunyan Shuai, Jiang Jianhui, Ouyang Xin*, A lightweight cooperative detection framework of DDoS/DoS attacks based on counting bloom filter, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012,45(1), pp.160-167 (EI)





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